Green spring - Wallpapers
Green spring - Wallpapers
Wall + standing arts
French cottage - Wallpapers
French cottage - Wallpapers
Decorative bench
Easter bunny - Wallpapers
Easter bunny - Wallpapers
Happy rabbits - Wall stickers
Boletus - Rug
Chanterelle - Rug
Mushroom forest - Rug

Wall arts
This collection is composed of 25 new CC for a total of 291 swatches.
Everything is base game & HQ compatible, playtested and functionnal, the bed is correctly animated and everything is low poly (except for the bed canopy).
Botanical Stories - Wallpapers
Birds in the night sky - Wallpapers
Little Bears - Wallpapers
Suzon - Rug
Garance - Rug
Léontine - Rug